Little Women


For a good summer read during the month of June, I present you with the timeless classic of “Little Women” by Luisa May Alcott (1832-1888). It’s an altogether excellent and moving story of four sisters as we watch them growing up together, getting into scrapes of some sort, learning to love life and their neighbour even in difficult and trying times.

The four feisty heroines, elegant Meg, headstrong Jo, shy Beth and spoilt Amy go straight into the readers’ hearts as they share their girlish hopes and dreams along with their burdens and challenges. Alongside them stand two deeply committed parents, Mr. and Mrs. March to guide and support them as they learn life’s vital and sometimes hard lessons and handsome, spirited Laurie, they next door neighbor as their protective older brother.

The story unfolds in the nineteenth century in the US during the American Civil War (1861-1865). The author is widely believed to have written a story based on her personal and family life. What made a profound impression on me are her inspiring insights on the relations between the two sexes, the family ties that outlast death and the blissful friendship as an eternal gift. I found the writer to be an erudite and self-reliant woman who was willing to sacrifice herself for her dearest and nearest.

It seems to me that her characters’ life and adventures, the lengthy conversations and ardent dialogues taking place between them, reveal her own passions and longings as well as her battles and this is, in my opinion, what made the story a genuine one. I was quite absorbed in it and I might as well say that I shared in her dreamy visions and insightful outlook of life.

What’s more, the reader might find interesting to know that Luisa May Alcott devoted herself to the women’s rights cause and was actively involved in campaigns that supported their right to vote. She must have been a truly amazing woman to have come up with such an enthralling story that is loved by generations of readers. I can’t but humbly pay tribute to her by including her novel in GetSmart’s list of favourite books and by saying to my readers that I thoroughly recommend this novel. It’s a must have.



Per nje lexim te mire veror gjate muajit te Qershorit, ju prezantoj me romanin klasik “Little Women” (gra te vogla) nga autorja Amerikane Luisa May Alcott (1832-1888). Behet fjale per nje histori teresisht te shkelqyer dhe prekese te kater motrave ndersa i shikojme te rriten sebashku, te futen ne telashe te ndryshme duke mesuar te duan jeten dhe te afermin e tyre akoma dhe ne kohe sprovash.

Kater heroinat e vrullshme, Meg elegantja, kokeforta Xho, e ndrojtura Beth dhe e llastuara Emi, depertojne ne zemren e lexuesve ndersa ato ndajne endrrat dhe shpresat e tyre rinore bashke me barrat dhe sfidat e tyre. Afer tyre qendrojne dy prinder plotesisht te perkushtuar, Zoti dhe Znj. Marc ti udhezojne dhe mbeshtesin ndersa ato mesojne mesimet e rendesishme dhe te veshtira te jetes. Gjithashtu, djaloshi i pashem dhe i vrullshem Lori, komshiu i tyre si nje vella i madh ti mbroj.

Historia shpaloset ne shekullin e 19te ne Shtetet e Bashkuara gjate luftes civile Amerikane (1861-1865). Autorja besohet se ka thurur nje histori te bazuar ne jeten e saj ne familje. Ajo cfare me beri pershtypje te thelle jane veshtrimet e saj te mprehta mbi mardhenjen midis dy gjinive, mbi lidhjet familjare qe rrojne me gjate se vdekja dhe mbi miqesine se nje dhurate e perjetshme.

Personalisht une e konsideroj ate nje grua shume te ditur dhe te pavarur e cila ishte e gatshme te sakrifikohet per te dashurit dhe te afermit e saj. Mendoj qe jeta e personazheve te saj, bisedat e gjata dhe dialoget plot gjalleri midis tyre, zbulojne vete pasionet dhe deshirimet e saj bashke me betejat dhe kjo eshte cfare e ben romanin kaq origjinal. Isha komplet e zhytur ne tregimin dhe mund te them qe mora pjese ne vizionet dhe pikepamjet e saj te mprehta mbi jeten

Per me shume, lexuesit mund ti duket interesant fakti qe Luisa May Alcott perkushtoi jeten e saj ndaj ceshtjes se te drejtave te grave dhe ishte e perfshire ne menyre aktive ne fushata qe mbeshtesnin te drejten e tyre te votes. Ajo duhet te kete qene me te vertete nje grua e mahnitshme te thur nje histori kaq magjepse dhe emocionuese. Nuk mundem vecse ti paraqes nderimet e mia te perulura duke perfshire romanin e saj ne listen e librave te preferuar te Get Smart duke ju thene se fundmi lexuesve qe e rekomandoj plotesisht si roman i cili s duhet te mungoj nga asnje bibloteke.
